
Nightwish — ფინური სიმფონიური მეტალ-ჯგუფი, შექმნილი 1996 წელს. შექმნის პირველივე პერიოდიდან მათ ტექსტებში დომინირებადია მითოლოგიური და ფენტეზი თემატიკა. მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ იგი ხშირად გამოიყენება, ტექსტების ავტორი ტუომას ჰოლოპაინენი უკანასკნელ ალბომებზე იყენებს უფრო პირადულ ტექსტებს - სექსუალურობის, მარტოობისა და ბავშვობის შესახებ. მათი ნაწილი ასევე ეხება ჯგუფის ყოფილ ვოკალისტ ტარია ტურუნენს.
ციტატები ალბომების მიხედვით
[რედაქტირება]Angels Fall First (1997)
[რედაქტირება]- The Moonwitch took me to a ride on her broomstick, introduced me to her old friend Home Gnome, told me to keep the sauna warm for him.
- Elvenpath
- Your trembling paw in my hand, dreaming of that northern land, touching me with the kiss of a beast.
- Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you.
- Love me before the last petal falls.
- However cruel the mirrors of sin, remember beauty is found within.
- Beauty and the Beast
- Why was the wine of the grail too sour for man to drink?
- They tell me to lie on the grass and observe my saviour - the one crucified to the chirping of birds.
- The Carpenter
- Hymn of gathering stars as my guide as I wander on this path of the night
- The nightwish I sent you centuries ago has been heard by those who dwelled in a woe
- Departed by the guillotine of death, I received a letter from the depth. The dream of my lover it carried inside
- Astral Romance
- Burying my dreams, dig up my sorrows.. oh lord, why the angels fall first?
- Not relieved by thoughts of Shangri-La, nor enlightened by the lessons of Christ, I'll never understand the meaning of the right. Ignorance, lead me into the light.
- Angels Fall First
- Sacrifice me, Tutankhamen, and let me be your queen.
- Tutankhamen
- "'Old love lies deep,' you said. Deeper shall be the wound between your legs."
- Nymphomaniac Fantasia
- Know why the nightingale sings is the answer to everything.
- Know Why the Nightingale Sings
Oceanborn (1998)
[რედაქტირება]- Without you, the poetry within me is dead.
- Enchantment has but one truth: I weep to have what I fear to lose.
- Gethsemane
- We shall come to set the dolphins free, we shall wash the darkened bloodred sea. Our songs will echo over the mountains and seas, the eternity will begin once again in peace.
- Disgraced is my virginity, death has woven my wedding dress.
- From cradle to coffin, shall my wickedness be your passion.
- Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean
- A sight so cursed: breasts which never nursed.
- Passion and the Opera
- In my world, love is for poets, never the famous balcony scene.
- Crystal pond awaits the lorn. Tonight another morn for the lonely one is born.
- Swanheart
- Open thy veins for my venom, kiss the cobras with thy twisted tongue.
- "Thou art born for Horus dwells in thee, thou art born for Seteh dwells in thee."
- Join my soul, The Hunter in the sky.
- The Pharaoh Sails to Orion
- Sorrow has a human heart. From my god it will depart. I'd sail before a thousand moons, never finding where to go.
- I wish for this night-time to last for a life time, the darkness around me, shores of a solar sea, oh how I wish to go down with the sun, sleeping, weeping, with you...
- Sleeping Sun
Wishmaster (2000)
[რედაქტირება]- Take heed dear heart, Once apart, she can touch nor me, nor you.
- I am the Fallen, you are what my sins enclose. Lust is not as creative as its discovery...
- She Is My Sin
- Need to understand, no need to forgive, no truth, no sense left to be followed.
- In this world of a million religions everyone prays the same way.
- Facing this unbearable fear, like meeting an old friend.
- The Kinslayer
- Drink the wine, the red sweet taste of mine.
- For me, for you, time devours passion's beauty, with me, with you, tonight, any dream will do...
- Come Cover Me
- Drown into my eyes and see the wanderer.
- Wanderlust
- Now let us lie, sad we lived and sad we die. Even in your pride, I never blamed you.
- Two For Tragedy
- A dreamy-eyed child staring into night, on a journey to a storyteller's mind
- Wishmaster
- Just a child without a fairytale am I, dark but so lovely, a little match girl freezing in the snow...
- Bare Grace Misery
- Roaming on razor-sharp castles, ruling all but myself, now my night is laid to sleep.
- Crownless
- The age will say "This poet lies", heaven never touched earthly face. The age will say "This night was ours", blessed with the Deep, the Silent, the Complete.
- Deep Silent Complete
- Sing what you can't say, forget what you can't play.
- Failed in becoming a god.
- If you read this line, remember not the hand that wrote it
Remember only the verse, songmaker's cry, the one without tears
For I've given this its strength and it has become my only strength.- Dead Boy's Poem
- Wish upon a star, no matter who you are. The second star to the right...
- FantasMic
- One by one, we will fall.
- Today I've killed, he was just a boy, eight before him, I knew them all.
- 10th Man Down
- Every wish is just a journey away.
- Away
Century Child (2002)
[რედაქტირება]- 'Remember, my child: Without innocence the cross is only iron, hope is only an illusion & Ocean Soul's nothing but a name...'
- Bless the Child
- It is the end of all hope to lose the child, the faith, to end all the innocence, to be someone like me.
- Angels they fell first, but I'm still here.
- This is the birth of all hope, to have what I once had, this life unforgiven. It will end with a birth.
- Mandylion without a face, deathwish without a prayer. End of hope. End of love. End of time. The rest is silence.
- End of All Hope
- I don't want to die a scarless man, a lonely soul.
- I studied silence to learn the music, I joined the sinful to regain innocence...
- It's not the monsters under your bed, it is the man next door, that makes you fear, makes you cry, makes you cry for the child.
- As he died, he will return to die in me again.
- Dead to the World
- Ever felt away with me, just once that all I need, entwined in finding you one day. Ever felt away without me, my love, it lies so deep, ever dream of me...
- Would you do it with me, heal the scars and change the stars.
- Come out, come out, wherever you are. Give in, give in for my touch. For my taste, for my lust.
- Ever Dream
- Put a stake through my heart, and drag me into sunlight...
- Wake up, mow the weed. You'd be nothing without me! Take my life, if you have the heart to die.
- Slaying the Dreamer
- Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone.
- Forever Yours
- Crying for me was never worth a tear, My lonely soul is only filled with fear.
- I only wished to become something beautiful, through my music, through my silent devotion.
- Losing emotion, finding devotion. Should I dress in white and search the sea?
- Ocean Soul
- Sane choice in the insane world: beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers.
- All of my songs can only be composed of the greatest of pains, every single verse can only be born of the greatest of wishes.
- Beauty of the Beast
Once (2004)
[რედაქტირება]- It's time to turn back time, follow the pale moonlight.
- Fly to a dream, far across the sea, all the burdens gone, open the chest once more.
- Dark Chest of Wonders
- Old loves they die hard, old lies they die harder.
- Last dance, first kiss. Your touch, my bliss. Beauty always comes with dark thoughts.
- Wish I Had an Angel
- My flower withered between the pages two and three.
- Oh how I wish for soothing rain, all I wish is to dream again. My loving heart lost in the dark, for hope I'd give my everything.
- This is me for forever, one of the lost ones, the one without a name, without an honest heart as compass.
- Nemo
- Save yourself a penny for the ferryman, save yourself and let them suffer.
- First rock thrown against. Welcome to hell little saint!
Mother Gaia in slaughter. Welcome to paradise, soldier!
- You challenged the gods and lost.
- Planet Hell
- Our souls will join again the wild - our home in peace and war and death.
- I still believe, in every night, in every day.
- Creek Mary's Blood
- My song is little worth anymore, Time to lay this weary pen aside.
- All the tales are told, all the orchids gone, lost in my own world, now I care for dead gardens.
- Dead Gardens
- See me ruined by my own creation.
- Romanticide till love do me part.
- Romanticide
- Take me, cure me, kill me, bring me home. Every way, every day, just another loop in the hangman's noose.
- Redeem me into childhood. Show me myself without the shell.
- My fall will be for you. My love will be in you. You were the one that cut me, so I'll bleed forever.
- Ghost Love Score
- The hopes were high, the choirs were vast. Now my dreams are left to live through you.
- Your death saved me.
- Passiontide. An angel by my side. But no Christ to end this war, to deliver my soul from the sword.
- Hope has shown me a scenery. Paradise poetry. With first snow I'll be gone.
- Higher Than Hope
Dark Passion Play (2007)
[რედაქტირება]- Forgive me, I have but two faces: One for the world, one for God, save me.
- Search for beauty, find your shore. Try to save them all, bleed no more.
- Everyone must bury their own. No packs to bury the hearts of stone.
- Now he's home in hell, serves him well. Slain by the bell, tolling for his farewell.
- The morning dawned, upon his altar. Remains of the dark passion play, performed by his friends without shame, spitting on his grave as they came.
- Be still my son. You're home. Oh when did you become so cold?
- You have such oceans within. In the end I will always love you.
- The Poet and the Pendulum
- Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever learn what the world said? - Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game? - How blind can you be, don't you see, that the gambler lost what he does not have?
- Bye Bye Beautiful
- Who the hell are you to tell me what to do, why to do, why bother?
- Leech in a mask of virtue, such a waste to ever think of you again.
- Master Passion Greed
- Time for one more daring dream.
- Eva
- Heaven today is but a way to a place I once called home.
- Once my heart beat to the rhythm of the falling snow,
blackened below, the river now flows, a stream of molten virgin snow.
- I believe and foresee everything I could ever be.
- For the Heat I Once Had
- The wolves, my love, will come.
- Take the road less traveled by, leave the city of fools. Turn every poet loose!
- This is where heroes and cowards part ways.
- 7 Days to the Wolves
- A nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze.
- Come someone make my heavy heart light, come on come bring me back to life.
- Escapist
Imaginaerum (2011)
[რედაქტირება]- I am the voice of Never-Never-Land
- Imaginarium, a dream emporium!
- Storyime
- He will go down he will drown drown, deeper down
- The river wild will take your only child
- He will go down he will drown drown deeper down
- The mills grind slow in a riverbed ghost town
- He will go down he will drown drown, deeper down
- If you want me, then do come across
- Ghost River
- The bride will lure you, cook you, eat you
- Burning farms and squealing pigs!
- Scaretale
- Every little memory resting calm in me, resting in a dream, smiling back at me.
- The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home to caress the river with awe.
- Rest Calm
- Don't give me love
Don't give me faith Wisdom nor pride Give innocence instead
- Don't give me love
I've had my share Beauty nor rest Give me truth instead
- The Crow, The Owl, and The Dove
- Once upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of life; the beauty of this ride ahead such an incredible high
- This moment the dawn of humanity
The last ride of the day
- Wake up, Dead Boy
Enter adventureland
- Riding the day, everyday
Into sunset, finding the way back home.
- Last Ride of the Day
- The nightingale is still locked in the cage
- A song of me, a song in need of a courageous symphony,
A verse of me, a verse in need of a pure heart singing me to peace.
- All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
- All that great heart lying still on an angelwing
- There is no fear in a dream
- And there forever remains that change from G to Em
- Song of Myself